
Recent Arts

Symbiogenesis by Valentina Berthelon and TsingYun

There is a revolution happening in science, a shift from a mechanistic view of life to a systemic view of life. From the mechanistic point of view, men are separated from nature, this perspective in a way justifies the exploitation of the environment. But from a systemic point of view life is a connected phenomenon and there is no such thing as independent organisms, only communities of interdependent organisms. This audiovisual piece was inspired by the Symbiogenesis theory of Biologist Lynn Margulis and by physicist Fritjof Capra s book The Tao of Physics. Both scientists analyze how the change of worldview in science has led to a revision of our conception of the universe and our relation to it, a process that can help to promote different ways of seeing and different ways of doing.

Lynn Margulis, on one hand, had a symbiotic view of evolution. For her new specie come primarily from organisms joining with one another, when she saw Nature she saw Symbiosis and interdependence, not competition. Fritjof Capra, on the other hand, explores the parallels of modern physics with th mystical traditions of the east. One of the most essential characteristics of Easter mystical thought is the awareness of the unity and mutual interrelation of all things and this basic oneness is one of the most important revelations of modern physics. 

Valentina´s Biography

Valentina is a media artist residing in Berlin since 2012. I hold a Bachelor of Visual Arts from the National Art Center of Mexico, and soon she will finish a Master's degree in Kunst und Media from the UDK, University of the Arts Berlin.
She is interested to work in the intersection between technology, science, art and music. Her audiovisual pieces aim to talk about a circular time, a time that is not linear, but it’s a collage, an assembly of stories, facts, theories and comments, a time that reflect about the networked nature of the Universe. Music also play a fundamental roll in her work, because its a medium that allows us to communicate beyond a verbal way, reaching aspects of human nature that are more abstract and profound.

TsingYung´s Biography

TsingYun Zhang is an interdisciplinary artist based in Berlin, currently studying at the University of Arts Berlin, in the department of art and media. Her artistic practice explores the relationship between humans, nature, and machines across multiple media.

 Documentation of Screenings

Transmedial Vorspiel , Silent Green, Berlin 2022

Transmedial Vorspiel , Silent Green, Berlin 2022

Transmedial Vorspiel , Silent Green, Berlin 2022

Chilean Conexion Festival, Monopol, Berlin 2021

Chilean Conexion Festival, Monopol, Berlin 2021

Chilean Conexion Festival, Monopol, Berlin 2021

Ars Electronica, Linz 2022

Ars Electronica, Linz 2022

Ars Electronica, Linz 2022

UDK Rundgang, Berlin 2022


Chilean Conexion Festival, Monopol, Berlin 2021

UDK Rundgang, Berlin 2022