On Connection A/V Performance
This project, led by media artist Valentina Berthelon and sound artist Flora Päär, aims to explore the interconnectedness of the universe through the metaphor of the Tree of Life, using a ritual and symbolic acts to connect individuals to the larger cycles of the natural world.
In the frame of a respectful and transcultural ritual, the sound is intended to be perceived as a vector that allows us to hear the "whispers of the gods", the melody that relieves our souls from doubts and brings answers to our striving to pursue to bring healing and coherence to the world we live in. Based on vibrational medicine principles and performed with the support of acoustic instruments, such as Tibetan bowls, chimes, shamanic drums, and rattles, the sound meditation offers the listeners a tool to drift into an imaginative state, to connect to the inner wisdom, promoting the research of solutions with a more organic and sensitive approach. By entering a trance-like state, the sound performer, connects with the "voice" of the tree as archetype, channeling the secret encoded information stored in the flow of its vital force, the rustling of its leaves in the wind, the silent growth of its branches and roots. Subtle energies are translated into sounds and vocalizations, delivering a message to the world, stimulating inner vision and perception.
*The duration of the live audiovosual performance is 30 mins