
Space Durchgang invites Women artist from Chile to Basel. (24.08.23 - 6.10.23)
For some time now, we have been experiencing the scope of globalization. Through this concept, we have become aware - whether we like it or not - that the actions of some have an impact on others and that the "local" is not always "local. But before we became aware of this concept, the universe had already shown signs that this is indeed the case. The moon and its influence on the tides; the sun and its influence on life. Everything around us responds to the presence of its environment. It is precisely from this that this exhibition distances itself from the binary relationship between nature and culture, breaking down the cartographic boundary of inherited and imposed knowledge and giving way to other, non-semantic ways of knowing and communicating. The exhibition opens up possibilities beyond human logic, using media that enable multidisciplinary and cultural dialogues. Cartography as we know it is disappearing, and with it the limits placed on our ways of perceiving and knowing. The possibilities of exchange are expanded, and linear time is thus blurred. Through its works, this exhibition promotes approaches to memory and the construction of identity that are present in contemporary Latin American art, highlighting other ways of understanding and relating to the world from a critical and intersectional perspective.

Muriel Gallardo Weinstein
Muriel Gallardo Weinstein is a Chilean-Italian interdisciplinary female artist, born in 1980 in Santiago de Chile, currently based in Berlin. The artist holds an MA in textile and surface design from the Weißensee Kunsthochschule in Berlin/DE and an MA in visual arts from the Universidad de Chile/CL. She has a degree in Visual Arts and in Visual Arts Pedagogy, both obtained at the Finis Terrae University in Santiago de Chile/CL. Muriel has participated in Worldwide exhibitions, biennials and art fairs around the world, such as the biennial "Socle du Monde", in 2021 Herning/De , the exhibition "La Musée" at the Studio la Città gallery 2021 Verona/Italy and her solo exhibition at Künstlerhaus Bethanien in 2018 Berlin/DE. As one-year international residency programs, as Künstlerhaus Bethanien in Berlin/DE, GlogauAIR in Berlin/DE, and Fundación Arte Bloc in Santiago/CL. The artist is represented by the gallery Montoro12 in Brussels.

Nicole L’Huillier
Nicole L’Huillier (b. 1985, Santiago, Chile) works with sounds, vibrations, resonances, and multiple transductions to explore more-than-human performativity and agency from micro to cosmic scales; to create membranal and resonant rituals; and to investigate vibrations and sounds as construction materials for spaces and identity while fostering collectivity and stimulating imagination in non-static and embodied ways. From an antidisciplinary perspective, she navigates the porous and fertile territories between arts and sciences. She works with new and ancient technologies for storytelling and creation to actively engage with the possibilities beyond anthropocentric perspectives and to practice decolonial worldling. Nicole is also an experimental musician, drummer, and one-half of the space pop duo Breaking Forms. She just finished a Ph.D. in Media Arts & Sciences at MIT (2022). She also holds a Master in Media Arts & Sciences (2017) from MIT.

Valentina Berthelon
Valentina Berthelon (b. 1977, Santiago, Chile) media artist based in Berlin. Her audiovisual pieces aim to talk about a circular time, a time that is not linear, but it’s a collage, an assembly of stories, facts, theories, and comments, a time that reflects the networked nature of the Universe. She is interested to work in the intersection between technology, science, art and music. Hybridity is a very important aspects of my work, I use a lot of found footage and media from different sources. Music also play a fundamental roll her work, because its a medium that allows us to communicate beyond a verbal way, reaching aspects of human nature that are more abstract and profound. She holds a Bachelor of Visual Arts from the National Art Center of Mexico, and soon I will finish a Master's degree in Kunst und Media from the UDK, University of the Arts Berlin.

Marcela Moraga
Marcela Moraga (Chile) currently lives and works in Berlin. She holds a Bachelor of Arts from the Universidad de Chile in 1998, a Magister in Visual Arts at the same institution. Subsequent to that she received the German DAAD scholarship to attend a Post-Graduate program in visual communication at the Hamburg University of Arts (HFBK). In 2013 she completed the Postgraduate M.A. Course “Art in Context” at the Berlin University of the Arts (UDK). In her video performances, textiles, drawings, and installations, she explores the tensions of the binary order of nature/culture. Her artistic research is particularly dedicated to landscapes, following the traces of human intervention both in the geological structure of the earth through extractive practices, and in the shaping of social space through architecture.Using speculative narrative structures, fictional methods, through spirituality and indigenous knowledge, Moraga develops new narratives that allow for connection between humans and non-humans.

Paula Baeza Pailamilla
Since 2011, Paula Baeza Pailamilla have worked with performance, textile practices an audiovisual formats based on their own Mapuche identity. This is the starting point for their works, in which they question themself and their context on a historical, political and social level. Since 2016, they have been part of the Mapuche collective Rangiñtulewfü, which gave birth to the digital project Yene: Revista de arte, pensamiento y escrituras en Wallmapu Abya Yala (Yene: Journal of Art, Thought and Writing in Wallmapu and Abya Yala). They have been invited to various encounters, theaters and galleries in South America and Europe where they have explored issues of the body and racialized identities and their context.
www. paulabaezapailamilla.wordpress.com

Recent Arts
Live Audiovisual Performance
Recent Arts is a duo conformed by media artist Valentina Berthelon and musician Tobias Freund. Together they build live performances using video projections and experimental sound –charged with symbols, stories and poetry– thus generating sound environments that invite to enjoy the music while deeply connecting with our perceptions of the world and our sense of realities within it. They are always interested on exploring new technics, new ways of creating and new ways of communicating with the audience. Throughout the years, Recent Arts have performed at numerous events and festivals around the world, including Berlin Atonal, HAU, Hebbel am Ufer, Fiber Festival in Amsterdam, Alexandrinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg, Russia, Contact Club in Tokyo, Dave Festival in Dresden, Bienal de Artes Mediales in Santiago de Chile, Strichka festival in Kiev, Ukraine, Chilean Conexión at Monopol in Berlin and iMAL, the Art and Technology Art Center in Brussels among others.

Päär & Valentina Berthelon
Sound Performance
Federica(aka Flora Päär/Pareal) is a Singer/VocalPerformer, Vibrational Counselor and Sound Therapist, scholar of Accademia di Medicina Vibrazionale of Milan and UK Vibroacoustic Association in London. Combining Vibrational Medicine and Sound Therapy fundamentals with Chinese Medicine and Nada Yoga Techniques,Aum Garden finds its expression in a spontaneous approach to ancient vibrational practices framed in a contemporary ambient sonic imaginary. The combination of meditation and sound bath introduces the listeners to discover new practical tools to improve spiritual and physical rebalance through conscious listening and sound-journeying.
SPACE Durchgang
The 200m2 project space Durchgang is a new thinking platform for collectives and collaborations. The focus is on interdisciplinarity. Projects and events are developed together with the artists. As sisters we are also a collective and have been organizing projects, events, workshops and exhibitions of contemporary art for almost two years. We are a professional team that enables mediation formats in a social context.
Exhibition Program
6pm - Exhibition Opening
9pm - Audiovisual Concert by Recent Arts
Valentina Berthelon & Tobias Freund
4pm - Performance by Paula Baeza
8pm - Sound Performance by Flora Päär
& Valentina Berthelon
Artist are present at the gallery
3pm - Performance by Marcela Moraga
*Opening times during art Basel 11am till 6pm
Public guided tour
Artist talk with Paula Baeza Pailamilla